Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tremendous Trellis

Here's the trellis Mark built for the peas and beans. We're going to do something similar for the tomatoes and melons, too. Those will be the same aluminum frames with vertical netting instead of the horizontal wire on this one.


christina said...

So you did all of these from seeds?!

I think we're gonna plant the lazy-man's garden and buy plants.

I seriously have zero knowledge on gardening... I've killed every houseplant I've ever owned with neglect.

So... this should be an interesting endeavor!

Kate said...

We did! Although we'll be buying some plants, too. Once you get into it and get a few key tools, it's a lot easier than you'd think. Before our gardening obsession I had something of a brown thumb. And I still forget to water our houseplants.