Friday, August 13, 2010

Officially Ridiculous

And this is just the beginning.


Anonymous said...

Yum. I recommend this recipe as a pretty good use of 3-4 heirlooms. and it's pretty enough to be really impressive. and it keeps well for a day at least. though mine didn't last any longer. xoxo-shaya

Kate said...

I just happen to have some mascarpone in the fridge, too.

But I think you were not sufficiently bowled over by the sheer multitude of tomatoes we have. The photo clearly doesn't do justice to the teeming masses.

Unknown said...

Uh yeah, you guys are crazy. How many plants do you have again??!!

We've tried drying some this year for the first time with pretty good success. Josh is our resident canner - let him know if you need some tips. Otherwise, let Nico play baseball with some??

Michaela said...

Jealous! It's been such a cool summer here that we've barely gotten any tomatoes off of our plants. But I will say we've had good success with our padron peppers this year.

Kate said...

G: We have 75 plants! I can't even post photos of our mess of a garden, which you sadly had to witness on Sunday.

M: What are the padron peppers like?

L: Thanks! We're suckers for the weird and wonderful heirloom varieties. I like the harvest ticker on your blog. We keep trying to do that for ourselves, but it's tough to keep up.

Rachel Elizabeth said...

I'm so jealous of your heirloom tomatoes and your garden in general. Some day.

Kate said...

Hi Rachel! We started out with a couple of tomato plants on our apartment balcony many years ago, so hold out hope!

Cool blog, BTW.